I Have Residual Income

Monday, March 5, 2018


Yesterday, in the country I live, in the city I live (Serbia/Belgrade), we had very important elections. Results are just a reflection of the whole country situation: ubiquitous misery and fear. Fear is related to losing miserable jobs (if any at all!) and even worse salaries! So, it was voted that my city and my country continue to live a life unworthy of a decent human.

I didn't take a chance to leave my country, like many of my family, friends, colleagues and unknown did. I was too emotional for that and had no courage to do so. I married the man I love, started a family with him, have two WONDERFUL kids and today we live better than many, many here do. My husband works so very hard to support us all because we decided that for our children sake, was the best for me to raise them being there for them 24/7. I am "stay at home" mother. And, for the record, we both are engineers with college degrees.

When my children grew up enough to take care of themselves (in basic physical things, I mean), I wanted something more for me, some challenges, something new to learn (and to grow). But, I wanted it from my home, not to go out, wanted to be there for my kids if they need me, all the time. 

I've searched and I found. What I've found is in all previous post on this blog. So, why I wrote all of this? 

To get back to the beginning of my post, we had elections here and results are UGLY and with no chances for people like me to have a decent and peaceful life, if they are "in the system".  I don't want to depend on this economy, on people less educated, on people who BOUGHT they degrees, on greedy people who are able to do anything (mostly bad and against every low; low here is the overrated category!) to stay minions of the political power and on their positions. I hate that most of my countrymen struggle to survive, day after day, I hate the fact that seriously ill children can have treatments if there are enough SMS (that's how we gather money, with funds of charity SMS), I hate that if young people want to get a job (again, with lousy salary), they have to be members of "a party", I hate that educational system is getting worst, I hate the fact that old people fear for their pensions and so on and on and on...........

I have a chance to be OUT of the system. For me, there is no importance where I actually live. I can say that I live a privileged life. I consider myself and my family as blessed. I know so many people that deserved the same and much better. Utopia? For sure.

Italians also had elections yesterday and haven't do anything in the direction of the progress. Quite the opposite, with the choice they made. In a "game of (in)sanity" (we all are playing it, if you still are not aware of it), yesterday we won Italians! Lucky us! :)

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